Works Council Training – Part 1

Your introduction to the Works Constitution Act (BetrVG)

Works Council Training – Part 1

§ 37,6

In this seminar, you will receive a substantial introduction to the Works Constitution Act (BetrVG). We familiarize you with the essential rights and duties as well as the basic organizational principles. You will get a substantial first overview of your participation rights and especially important knowledge about co-determination in personnel matters. Those skills enable you to master the tasks ahead with legal certainty and use your rights in a correct and professional manner!


Legal basics of works council work

  • Laws, collective agreements, works agreements, employment contracts
  • Principle of precedence and favorability
  • Sources of information: Where does the works council get the necessary information (in time)?

Rights and duties of works council members

  • Your works council activities as an honorary position: entitlement to time off and loss of pay principle
  • Prohibition of discrimination and special protection against dismissal – your protection against unlawful sanctions
  • Don't forget: Secrecy and confidentiality obligations
  • Training in accordance with § 37 (6) and (7) BetrVG: Your legal entitlement

The organization of the works council

  • Tasks and powers of the works council chairman
  • Formation of committees and working groups
  • Works council office & Co.: Tips for effective organization
  • The position of trade unions and employers' associations

Cooperation within and with the works council

  • Works council meetings and resolutions – digital and face-to-face
  • The monthly meeting with the employer / HR
  • Consultation hours and dealing with employee complaints
  • What you are entitled to: Costs and material expenses of the works council
  • Valuable help: Advice from experts and lawyers

Co-determination – your participation rights (Overview)

  • Reliable co-operation: Obligation for workers council and employer
  • Range of rights: From information to "real" co-determination
  • The subject areas of participation rights: Labour relations, social affairs and business affairs

Participation rights in labour relations / personnel matters

  • Hiring, transfer, grouping, regrouping – what you need to know!
  • Dismissal: Hearing by the employer, concerns and objections by the works council
  • Personnel planning and securing employment – using your right to make suggestions
  • Personnel questionnaires and assessment principles - real co-determination within the application process


§ 37,6

Dieses Seminar vermittelt in der Regel erforderliche Kenntnisse im Sinne des § 37 Abs. 6 BetrVG, soweit dieses Wissen noch nicht durch entsprechenden Seminarbesuch oder anderweitig erworben wurde.


Unsere Preise orientieren sich an dem jeweiligen Konzept und Vorbereitungsaufwand. Nach einer individuellen Beratung unterbreiten wir Ihnen gerne ein detailliertes Angebot.


Empfohlene Veranstaltungsdauer: 3,0 Tage

Gerne passen wir die hier vorgeschlagenen Inhalte dieser Veranstaltung den Vorkenntnissen und Fragen in Ihrem Gremium und den besonderen Gegebenheiten Ihres Unternehmens an.

Termin anfragen



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